Legally Blind Prescription Number

Being visually impaired can significantly impact one's daily life. In the United States, individuals who are considered legally blind have a prescription number that allows them to access certain benefits and services. Understanding what legally blind prescription number means and how it can help those with visual impairment is crucial.

What is Legally Blind Prescription Number?

Legally Blind Prescription Number

A legally blind prescription number is a number assigned to individuals who are considered legally blind. This number is given by a licensed ophthalmologist or optometrist, and it indicates the level of visual impairment an individual has. The number is based on a person's visual acuity or the sharpness of their vision, as well as their visual field or the extent of their peripheral vision.

The legally blind prescription number is used to determine eligibility for certain benefits and services, such as disability benefits, vocational rehabilitation, and educational services. It is also used to access assistive technology and devices, such as screen readers and magnifiers, that can help individuals with visual impairment to perform daily tasks more easily.

What is Considered Legally Blind?

Legally Blind

In the United States, an individual is considered legally blind if their visual acuity is 20/200 or worse in their better eye with the best possible correction, or if their visual field is restricted to 20 degrees or less in their better eye. This means that even with corrective lenses, an individual's vision is still considered legally blind if it falls within these parameters.

It is important to note that being legally blind does not mean that an individual cannot see anything at all. Many individuals with visual impairment still have some level of vision, and some may be able to read large print or see well in certain lighting conditions.

How to Obtain a Legally Blind Prescription Number?

Obtaining A Legally Blind Prescription Number

To obtain a legally blind prescription number, an individual must first schedule an appointment with a licensed ophthalmologist or optometrist. During the appointment, the eye doctor will conduct a comprehensive eye exam to determine the individual's level of visual impairment.

If the individual meets the criteria for legal blindness, the eye doctor will provide them with a legally blind prescription number. This number can then be used to access various benefits and services for individuals with visual impairment.

Importance of Legally Blind Prescription Number

Importance Of Legally Blind Prescription Number

The legally blind prescription number is important because it allows individuals with visual impairment to access the services and benefits they need to live independently and perform daily tasks more easily. It also helps to ensure that individuals with visual impairment are not discriminated against in areas such as employment and education.

Without a legally blind prescription number, individuals with visual impairment may struggle to access the services and benefits they need to thrive. They may also face barriers in areas such as employment and education, as they may be unable to access the accommodations and technologies they need to perform their jobs or complete their studies.


Obtaining a legally blind prescription number is an important step for individuals with visual impairment. This number allows them to access the services and benefits they need to live independently and perform daily tasks more easily. It is important to understand what legally blind prescription number means and how it can help those with visual impairment to ensure that they are able to receive the support they need.

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